MTV... Music Television?

Monday, November 15, 2010
Okay so we all know that everyone’s favorite music TV station known, as MTV no longer plays “Music”. Its Ironic that the station is even allowed to keep “music” in their name. Anyway I am not here today to talk about MTV the TV channel that doesn’t play music. I want to talk about the website “” More specifically their music video section.

Check out that link above. Personally I think a music website should know more about music. They have a few pages of music videos. The videos are great but I know there is so much more out there. Another problem would have to be the variety. The only music videos I seen was ones of songs that I hear on the radio. There were 4 or 5 videos for each artist, which really leaves out so many other artists. According to the only videos worth showing in the POP genre are Katie Perry, Brittany Spears, Christina Aguilera, Michael Jackson, and maybe one or two others. If you went on youtube you could find hundreds of signed artists that compare and surpass the artists shown on I am always on the run and don’t spend too much time on the Internet. But the hour or so a day that I am; I seem to have knowledge of many great bands and many great videos that are not featured on mtv or

What I Recommend doing is looking up one of your favorite music videos. Pick one and find out who directed it. You can probably find this information on Wikipedia or Google. After you find out who directed it go to their website or blog. They may have a link to a personal Youtube or Vimeo account. Now you can see some of their other work. It may be more artistic then some of the boring band shots you see on MTV. And the music depending on your taste might be better. I hope that this post can help you find some new music and maybe a new sense of appreciation to the people who produce these videos!

Have a Great day everyone! Come back next week for a new post on a new Director!


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