Kirby Ferguson - Everything is a Remix

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
So this guy Kirby makes a great point when it comes to modern Hollywood Blockbuster films. Kirby creatively lays down the fact about entertainment. None of the material or the thoughts in his video is opinionated. They are facts backed up with proof. This concept of lacking or in some films no originality is not new, Kirby put his spin to the case and goes in depth from shot composition, storyline, to oddball oddities that no non filmmaker really pays any attention to.

Kirby takes notice to the subject but does not bash or criticize it in anyway. He states in the beginning of his video blog that audiences take on to subjects, films, and entertaining content that seems familiar to them. This is why the top selling box office films are typically sequels, remakes, or an idea or concept spawned from something different. Trends in filmmaking become trends because the content is made to suit an audience. For an example hot guys are placed in movies to attract young girls. The fan bases for the twilight movies are crazy. Every young girl wants to be on team Edward or Team Jacob. That was a tactic of the past that was adapted through out time. Also while speaking of the movie Twilight the movie was taken from the popular twilight books written by Stephenie Meyer.

Another reason why these remakes are produced is due to the complications of creating completely original content. This is not an easy thing to do because the human mind draws from thing that it already knows. There is so much content out there that it isn’t easy to do something that hasn’t already been done. Another reason is the audiences. Most audiences wont see something that they haven’t heard of. Some thing that isn’t popular won’t generally make a lot in the box office.

All in all, Kirby’s got a great video blog. He comes out with a new one every season and he is currently on his 3rd. They are like mini TV shows on the Internet. I recommend them!

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Music videos With A-list talent and Crew!

Friday, February 4, 2011
I read a very interesting article title “How MTV Plans to Resurrect Music Videos (Hint: By Financing Them)” This article particularly interests me because I am a lover of music and I am a music video director. You can find this article at the link provided below.

This Article speaks about music videos taking a step forward in the film industry. Big name Directors are starting to collaborate with bands during their down time to produce very story heavy music videos. An example of this would be some of Lady GaGas newest videos such as “Telephone”. MTV is planning to Finance these short films / music videos with a lot larger budget then they have been in previous years. One of the main differences from these music videos to past one would be the use of A-list talent. They want these videos to be of the greatest quality and for the audience to want to watch and re-watch these films. A quote from Gale in this article says "I really do approach these more as films than music videos,” Telling a story is what these directors are born to do. That’s why a lot of music video music video directors often transition to Hollywood blockbuster films. A big name in both industries would be Michael Bay. Michael started off his career creating music videos. His stories and creativity showed in his productions. Eventually a production company signed him and he was off Directing The Transformers Series.

This Article excites me for my future in the film industry. I know that I wont always get to work on the projects that are creative and exciting; such as commercials for toothpaste or other jobs that I wont necessarily have a huge creative input. This article is making a larger number of jobs for filmmakers to produce quality music videos.
I hope this Article review was informative to you everyone. Stop by in a few weeks for my next Film industry blog post.